Page 37 - Metaphysical questions of life
P. 37
8-Because of all his misconcep ons he develops the false ego and be-
comes falsely proud of his temporary material achievements.
9-He is never sa sfied and whenever he is frustrated in achieving his
material goals he becomes angry and resen ul and always blames oth-
ers for his failures.
10-When he cannot get as much sense gra fica on as he wants, he
becomes angry and delusional in his behavior.
11-He over-endeavors to acquire material sense objects and always
seeks to be praised for his material possessions and achievements.
12-He becomes completely entangled and a ached excessively to ma-
terial things and in his total state of bewilderment loses all interest in
spiritual knowledge and God-related pursuits.
13-His mind then is overwhelmed by material considera ons and he
becomes con nually anxious and fearful as he gets older, sick and ap-
proaches death.
There are three stages of the material concep on of life:
1-Negligence of spiritual life because of too much a achment to mate-
rial pleasures
2-Fear of an eternal spiritual, personal iden ty that gives rise to the
mistaken concept that one may merge into the homogeneous oneness
of the impersonal light called the Brahman effulgence
3-Or the concep on of void a er death that comes from frustra on in
life from which one develops disbelief in everything, being angry at all
sorts of spiritual specula on out of hopelessness. One may adopt
different forms of intoxica on and any hallucina ons one may experi-
ence are accepted spiritual visions.
Another aspect of accep ng the material concep on of life is the per-
verted material understanding one develops of the different species of