Page 36 - Metaphysical questions of life
P. 36

complicated  life  situa ons  and  miseries  and  only  have  temporary
      pleasures, which are more lust than real love.

      The intelligence of the materialists become corrupted by con nual ac-
       vi es prompted by passion and ignorance. They become convinced

      that the goal of life in sense gra fica on. This distracts the mind from
      the pursuit of self-realiza on, which should result in the realiza on one
      is the eternal servant of Krishna and, thus, one should engage in His
      loving  devo onal  service.  Such  misconcep on  of  life  diverts  one’s
      a en on to pursuing the a empt to acquire more and more money so

      that  one  may  have  unrestricted  sense  enjoyment.  Thus  one  is  over-
      whelmed  by  the  material  concep on  of  life  which  is  summarized  as

      1-A achment to the objects of sense gra fica on

      2-One is preoccupied by many material desires and when one is frus-
      trated, he develops hatred and envy

      3-One  seeks  happiness  outside  of  himself  by  en cing  vic ms  for  his
      sense gra fica on. He seeks the company of other persons suffering
      from the same illusions. He dislikes the feeling of loneliness and seclu-
      sion as long as he feels successful in materialis c society.

      4-He has a tendency to overindulge in ea ng, sleeping, ma ng and de-

      5-He loses control over the ac vi es of the senses and the mind
      6-Due to iden fying oneself with the temporary body rather than the
      eternal soul within the body, he develops the false ego that he is the

      body  and  iden fies  hiumself  with  temporary  designa ons  of  family,
      race, ethnicity, na onalism, etc.

      7-He tries to prolong his existence in the temporary body by material
      strategies of diet, body building, supplements, plas c surgery and oth-
      er medical procedures.

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