Page 41 - Metaphysical questions of life
P. 41

er  iden fies  himself  with,  feels  kinship  with,  worships  or  even  visits
      those who are wise in spiritual truth — such a person is no be er than
      a cow or an ass.”

      True intelligence is shown by one’s freedom from false iden fica on of
      the self with temporal family and rela ves, ethnicity, race, na onality,
      poli cal affilia on, or anything that is related to the ephemeral materi-
      al body. The a achments engendered by bodily rela onships are the
      most powerful and bewildering. Even Arjuna in the Bhagavad-gita was
      put  into  a  state  of  confusion  and  refused  to  do  his  duty  because  of
      family a achment. He thought his temporary bodily rela onships with
      his kinsmen were more important than his eternal spiritual rela onship
      with Lord Krishna. His desire not to fight was based on his own sense
      gra fica on, which meant he could not see how he would be happy by
      killing his kinsmen on the opposite side or seeing his immediate family
      members killed on his side. He was thinking only of his own material

      Lord Krishna changed Arjuna’s material concep on of life a er Arjuna
      agreed to  submit to  submissively hearing the Lord  answer his many
      ques ons  and  doubts.  Bhak vedanta  Swami  Prabhupada  writes:  “In
      the beginning, Arjuna decided that he should not fight in the Ba le of
      Kurukṣetra. This was his own decision. Arjuna told the Lord that it was
      not possible for him to enjoy the kingdom a er killing his own kinsmen.
      This decision was based on the body because he was thinking that the
      body was himself and that his bodily rela ons or expansions were his
      brothers, nephews, brothers-in-law, grandfathers and so on. Therefore
      he wanted to sa sfy his bodily demands. Bhagavad-gītā was spoken by
      the Lord just to change this view, and at the end Arjuna decides to fight
      under the direc ons of the Lord when he says, kariṣye vacanaṁ tava:“I
      shall act according to Your word.” (Bg Introduc on)

      The most important decision a person makes in life is to accept a bona
      fide  spiritual  master.  Before  such  a  crucial  decision,  one  must  first
      learn  how  to  be  a  bona  fide  disciple  so  that  one  may  develop
      knowledge by personal prac ce and realiza on. Then he will be able to
      recognize a bona fide spiritual master This is the only sure pathway to
      overcome the material concep on of life and

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