Page 35 - Metaphysical questions of life
P. 35
stand that the goal of life is to return home, back to Godhead, and en-
gage in the service of Lord Viṣṇu. As blind men guided by another blind
man miss the right path and fall into a ditch, materially a ached men
led by another materially a ached man are bound by the ropes of frui-
ve labor, which are made of very strong cords, and they con nue
again and again in materialis c life, suffering the threefold miseries.”
People have very li le genuine knowledge of the spiritual world. Mun-
dane knowledge is confined within the limited material world and
mostly concerns affairs of the temporary body and mind. The majority
of teachers are themselves materialists who have no knowledge of the
spiritual world. They are entrapped also by the illusory a empts to
dominate nature for their own self-indulgence. The majority of people
are blind and they follow blind leaders that lead them into a ditch of
con nual suffering birth a er birth.
What is the material concep on of life?
The material concep on of life means forge ulness of Lord Krishna
and everything that follows such ignorance.
When we dream while asleep, we may experience many bizarre and
nonsensical dreams. On awakening we become conscious that the
dreams were not actual physical experiences.
When a person becomes Krishna conscious, he realizes that the mate-
rial world is full of illusory and false things. Gradually he becomes de-
tached from affec on for society, friendship and love which o en lead
to decep on and frustra on.
In material life one is subject to the laws of karma and one cannot
avoid its reac ons. The modern civiliza on is a emp ng to avoid the
miseries of life like birth, old age, disease and death by advancement
of material scien fic knowledge. These a empt only entrench people
more into the material concep on of life with the false hope of achiev-
ing material peace, happiness and love. Rather they experience more