Page 30 - Metaphysical questions of life
P. 30

explain  this  crucial  ques on,  Lord  Krishna  began  by  explaining  the
      difference  between  the  material  body  and  the  individual  soul  within
      the body, which is the source of the body’s consciousness. There are
      many  false  concepts  that  obscure  the  correct  understanding  of  the
      soul and its rela onship with the temporary body. Lord Krishna begins
      the  discussion by  empha cally sta ng  that the soul  within the body
      existed before birth in the body, while in the body and a er death of

      the body. He clearly established the eternality of the soul. The follow-
      ing verse in the Kaṗha Upaniṍad (1.2.18) states:

        na jāyate mriyate vā vipaścin / nāyaṁ kutaścin na babhūva kaścit

         ajo nityaḥ śāśvato ’yaṁ purāṇo / na hanyate hanyamāne śarīre

      The purport by Bhak vedanta Swami follows:

      “The meaning and purport of this verse is the same as in the Bhagavad-
      gītā  (verse  2.20),  but  here  in  this  verse  there  is  one  special
      word, vipaścit, which means learned or with knowledge.

      The soul is full of knowledge, or full always with consciousness. There-
      fore, consciousness is the symptom of the soul. Even if one does not

      find the soul within the heart, where he is situated, one can s ll under-
      stand the presence of the soul simply by the presence of consciousness.
      Some mes we do not find the sun in the sky owing to clouds, or for
      some other reason, but the light of the sun is always there, and we are
      convinced that it is therefore day me. As soon as there is a li le light in

      the sky early in the morning, we can understand that the sun is in the
      sky. Similarly, since there is some consciousness in all bodies – whether
      man or animal – we can understand the presence of the soul. This con-
      sciousness of the soul is, however, different from the consciousness of
      the  Supreme  because  the  supreme  consciousness  is  all-knowledge  –
      past,  present  and  future.  The  consciousness  of  the  individual  soul  is

      prone to be forge ul. When he is forge ul of his real nature, he obtains

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