Page 25 - Metaphysical questions of life
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proved that life comes from life (the microbes carried by dust in the
air) and not by air without microbes. Similarly, today scien sts use
stem cells, which are living cells they extract from living beings, to pro-
duce different useful organs, etc. Stem cells come from two main
sources: Embryos formed during the blastocyst phase of embryologi-
cal development (embryonic stem cells) and adult ssue
(adult stem cells). They start with living cells, thus life comes from life.
They are not able to create the stem cells by any combina on of dead
ma er or chemicals.
Darwin postulated from his observa ons that all species of life de-
scended from common ancestors by which one species of life changed
into another by trial and error over a long period of me by the princi-
ple of survival of the fi est which he coined as natural selec on. This
struggle for existence, he claimed, had the same effect as ar ficial se-
lec on involved in selec ve breeding. This specula ve theory based in
imperfect observa on and incomplete evidence has been championed
by many atheis c scien sts.
The insurmountable problems with Darwinism are the following:
1-If one species changes into another then why are all the species s ll
exis ng today.
2-How did the original life form evolve from dead ma er or chemicals.
3-We don’t we see any life evolving from dead ma er today. Then
how did it happen in the past?
4-We don’t see any new species evolving from an older species. Then
how did it happen in the past?
The explana on of the origin of species by modern Darwinists is the
following: at a certain me during evolu on, the cells’ genes of living
en es, which normally reproduce themselves perfectly for the next
genera on, some mes make a mistake in copying themselves. These