Page 29 - Metaphysical questions of life
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the 8.4 millions species of life. How did they appear? How did one spe-
cies change into another completely different and more complex spe-
cies without intelligent supervision and engineering? By honest obser-
va on of nature we see intelligent design and the incomprehensible
and complex engineering details everywhere and in all the different
forms of living beings.
Even Darwin himself was amazed and awed by the complexity of the
human eye, which is just one of the innumerable incredibly complex
organs present in nature. He writes in The Origin of Species: “To sup-
pose that the eye, with all its inimitable contrivances for adjus ng the
focus to different distances, for admi ng different amounts of light,
and for the correc on of spherical and chroma c aberra on, could
have been formed by natural selec on seems, I freely confess, absurd in
the highest degree.”
Not one engineering accomplishment in human history has ever been
made without an intelligent engineer designing and overseeing its con-
struc on. It is, as Darwin says, absurd to believe that all the amazing
natural phenomena came about by accident or random combina ons
without any supremely intelligent being orchestra ng it at every step.
The conclusion is that spontaneous genera on from dead ma er or
chemicals and random combina ons of dead ma er genera ng living
and complex organisms are false and misleading concep ons that have
duped people for hundreds of years.
What is the purpose of existence in this material world?
This is the fundamental existen al ques on of life. Everyone must
strive to find the correct answer to this ques on to intelligently orient
their life’s ac vi es for success. Over 5000 years ago, Lord Krishna
comprehensively answered this ques on in His conversa on with Arju-
Arjuna was perplexed in determining what should be his duty in life. To