Page 27 - Metaphysical questions of life
P. 27

again  manifested.  It  is  clearly  indicated  here  by  the  word  avaśam
      that the living en  es have nothing to do with this process. The state
      of  being  in  their  past  life  in  the  past  crea on  is  simply  manifested
      again, and all this is done simply by His will. This is the inconceivable
      potency of the Supreme Personality of God. And a er crea ng different
      species  of  life,  He  has  no  connec on  with  them.  The  crea on  takes
      place to accommodate the inclina ons of the various living en  es,

      and so the Lord does not become involved with it.”

      The simultaneous crea on of all the 8.4 million species of life at the
      beginning of crea on is again confirmed by Bhak vedanta Swami Prab-
      hupada in a conversa on with the scien st Dr. Singh:

      “Dr.  Singh-  Śrīla  Prabhupāda,  I  came  across  a  statement  in
      the Bhagavad-gītā to the effect that all 8,400,000 species of living en -
       es are created simultaneously. Is that correct?

      Śrīla Prabhupād- Yes.

      Dr. Singh- Does that mean that there are some living en  es who come
      directly to the human species without undergoing the evolu onary pro-

      Śrīla Prabhupāda- Yes. Living beings move from one bodily form to an-

      other. The forms already exist. The living en ty simply transfers him-
      self, just as a man transfers himself from one apartment to another.
      One  apartment  is  first  class,  another  is  second  class  and  another  is
      third class. Suppose a person comes from a lower-class apartment to a
      first-class apartment. The person is the same, but now, according to his

      capacity for payment, or karma, Karma means "ac vity," and the law
      of karma refers to the process in which higher authori es award us
      favorable or unfavorable reac ons according to our pious or impious
      ac vi es,  respec vely.  As  the  Bible  says,  "As  ye  sow,  so  shall  ye
      reap."  Thus, our present condi on-whether we are wealthy, wise or
      beau ful, or whether we have an American, an Indian or a Japanese

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