Page 23 - Metaphysical questions of life
P. 23

4-  Sense of false ownership

      5-  Material concep on of life thinking life’s goal is sense gra fica on,
      especially sexual indulgence, and a er death one ceases to exist. Alter-

      nately, if one may exist a er death, it is to enjoy uninhibited sexual
      pleasure in some sort of heavenly context.

      All these aspects of ignorance give rise to irra onal false concepts such
      as life comes from dead chemicals. This fallacious concept along with
      Darwin’s specula ons about the origin of species have mislead people
      for  more  than  150,  years,  yet  most  people  s ll  believe  them.  Such
      wrong specula ve theories are taught in most schools.

      However, real scien sts have disproven these specula ve theories. At
      the same  me that Darwin was seeking a theory of the origin of spe-
      cies, Louis Pasteur was pondering the ques on of spontaneous genera-
       on, that is life just appears all of a sudden when material condi ons
      are favorable. So-called scien sts would place a piece of meat exposed
      to air and a er some days maggots would appear. They claimed this
      was  proof  of  spontaneous  genera on  from  exposure  to  air.  Pasteur

      disproved this theory by proving that microscopic germs, microbes or
      yeasts carried by the air caused the growth of organisms on any natu-
      ral nutrient source exposed to air.

      Pasteur used flasks with swan-shaped necks. He poured a broth into
      the flask and boiled it so that the super-hot vapor filled the swan neck.
      Then he sealed the swan-neck hole so that no air could enter the flask.
      He observed through his microscope that no bacteria grew in the flask

      a er a very long  me.

      He  repeated  the  experiment,  but  the  second   me  he  removed  the
      swan neck and let air which naturally carried dust, enter the flask. A er
      some  me, he examined the broth and no ced bacteria present. He
      performed  a  third  experiment  with  a  fermentable  liquid  in  the  flask
      that he boiled. Air was allowed to enter through the swan-neck that

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