Page 22 - Metaphysical questions of life
P. 22

verses. The following is the first verse, which was also commented on
      Bhak vedanta Swami Prabhupada:

            gita‐shastram idam punyam, yah pathet prayatah puman
                vishnoh padam avapno , bhaya‐shokadi‐varjitah.

      “If one properly follows the instruc ons of Bhagavad-gita, one can be

      free  from  all  miseries  and  anxie es  of  life.  One  will  be  free  from  all
      fears in this life, and one’s next life will be spiritual.” (Bhagavad-giya AS
      It Is – introduc on)

      Life comes from Life and not from chemicals

      False theories of life are the greatest detriment to advancing progres-
      sively  to  spiritual  enlightenment.  The  real  principle  of  libera on  is
      ge ng free from false concepts and replacing them with the absolute

      truth. Freedom is given only to enlightened persons who are no longer
      prisoners of false concepts.

      The  false  ego,  under  the  influence  of  material  illusion,  thinks, “I  am
      made of ma er, and material acquisi ons are mine.” This is the great-
      est misconcep on. To ignore one’s eternal soul, which is temporarily
      entrapped  in  a  material  body,  is the grossest ignorance.  Krishna  has
      given us an opportunity in the human form of life to use the intelli-

      gence and knowledge acquiring senses and body in the service of the
      Lord and finally liberate oneself from the cycle of karma. Yet, most peo-
      ple  cannot  recognize  this  opportunity.  They  remain  unnecessarily
      mired in the five types of ignorance that keep them prisoners of the
      Karma cycle.

      The five points of ignorance are:

      1-  Forge ulness of one’s real iden ty – thinking I am the body rather

      than I am the eternally conscious soul in the temporary body
      2-  Sense of death and fear of dying

      3-  Anger a er frustra on

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