Page 24 - Metaphysical questions of life
P. 24

caught the dust par cles. Thus only clean air entered the flask minus
      the dust. He closed the opening of the swan-shaped neck. Later he  lt-
      ed the flasks and let the liquid touch the contaminated walls of the
      swan-neck where dust par cles were present. A er some  me, he ex-
      amined the liquid and saw organisms growing in the flask due to con-
      tact  with  the  dust  par cles  carrying  bacteria  in  the  swan-neck. This
      proved that the living organisms in the liquid came from the outside

      dust  par cles carrying  bacteria and not from  the  air  itself.  Pasteur
      demonstrated that life comes from life, that is from bacteria and other
      microscopic living en  es, and not from clean air.

      Pasteur disproved decisively the theory of spontaneous genera on. He
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