Page 19 - Metaphysical questions of life
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cial for the devotee. Lord Krishna explained the Bhagavad-gita to Arju-
na not only to benefit his him but also for all suffering humanity. By
embracing the principles expounded by Lord Krishna in the Bhagavad-
gita, the devotee can circumvent all miseries and anxie es of material
life. The uncertainty and fear for what may happen in the future are
discarded because one is sure of the con nuity of living a spiritual life.
Lord Krishna promises:
abhyāsa‐yoga‐yuktena / cetasā nānya‐gāminā
paramaṁ puruṣaṁ divyaṁ / yā pārthānucintayan
“He who meditates on Me as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, his
mind constantly engaged in remembering Me, undeviated from the
path, he, O Pārtha, is sure to reach Me.”
The direct and immediate way to always meditate on the Lord is to ac-
cept the path of Lord Caitanya who recommended chan ng the mantra
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare / Hare Rama Hare
Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. Lord Krishna and His holy names are one
and the same due to His absolute nature. By chan ng His names, one
associates directly with Him through the transcendental sound vibra-
on. Padma Purana has the following verse:
nama cintamanih krishnas / caitanya‐rasa‐vigrahah
purnah suddho nitya‐mukto / ‘bhinnatvan nama‐naminoh
“The holy name of Krishna is transcendentally blissful. It bestows all
spiritual benedic ons, for it is Krishna Himself, the reservoir of all pleas-
ure. Krishna‘s name is complete, and it is the form of all transcendental
mellows. It is not a material name under any condi on, and it is no less
powerful than Krishna Himself. Since Krishna‘s name is not contaminat-
ed by the material quali es, there is no ques on of its being involved
with maya. Krishna‘s name is always liberated and spiritual; it is never
condi oned by the laws of material nature. This is because the name of
Krishna and Krishna Himself are iden cal.” (Quoted also in the Sri Cai-
tanya Caritamrita Madhya 17.133)