Page 33 - Metaphysical questions of life
P. 33
selves to enter into the spiritual world. That is the mystery of this mate-
rial crea on. Actually the living en ty is originally the spiritual part and
parcel of the Supreme Lord, but due to his rebellious nature, he is con-
di oned within material nature. It really does not ma er how these
living en es or superior en es of the Supreme Lord have come in
contact with material nature. The Supreme Personality of Godhead
knows, however, how and why this actually took place. In the scrip-
tures the Lord says that those a racted by this material nature are un-
dergoing a hard struggle for existence. But we should know it with cer-
tainty from the descrip ons of these few verses that all transfor-
ma ons and influences of material nature by the three modes are also
produc ons of material nature. All transforma ons and variety in re-
spect to living en es are due to the body. As far as spirit is concerned,
living en es are all the same.”
Atheists and most scien sts deny there is a God who has a
plan for His material crea on
The en re material crea on is conducted in sync with the plan of
Krishna. Those persons who ignore spiritual knowledge think that the
material world happened by accident and is proceeding without a spe-
cific purpose. The myriad number of speculators made up of philoso-
phers and scien sts imagine many theories how the material nature
evolved. There is no factual basis for their theories that change every
few years. For example, Stephen Hawkings and other scien sts change
their theories o en:
“A er almost 30 years of arguing that a black hole swallows up every-
thing that falls into it, astrophysicist Stephen Hawking backpedaled
Thursday. In doing so, he lost one of the most famous bets in recent
scien fic history.”
“The world-famous author of a "Brief History of Time" said he and oth-
er scien sts had go en it wrong —the galac c traps may in fact allow