Page 20 - Sri Ramanujacharya Sahasrabdhi - 1000th year anniversary of Ramanujacarya
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self-realiza on and reestablishing our lost rela on with the Supreme
Personality of Godhead. That is the missing point. So this Krishna con-
sciousness movement is trying to enlighten the human society on this
important point. According to Vedic civiliza on, the progressive march
towards perfec on of life is to realize one's rela onship with Krishna, or
Five transcendental mellows or Rasas
There are five primary rela onships or rasas (sweet rela onships) with
Lord Krishna. According to the desire of the devotee to serve Krishna,
he may be elevated to Vaikuntha or Goloka planets in the spiritual
SB 3.27.28: “My devotee actually becomes self-realized by My unlim-
ited causeless mercy, and thus, when freed from all doubts, he steadily
progresses towards his des ned abode, which is directly under the pro-
tec on of My spiritual energy of unadulterated bliss. That is the ul -
mate perfec onal goal of the living en ty. A er giving up the present
material body, the mys c devotee goes to that transcendental abode
and never comes back.”
PURPORT (By Srila Prabhupada)
“Actual self-realiza on means becoming a pure devotee of the Lord.
The existence of a devotee implies the func on of devo on and the ob-
ject of devo on. Self-realiza on ul mately means to understand the
Personality of Godhead and the living en es; to know the individual
self and the reciprocal exchanges of loving service between the Su-
preme Personality of Godhead and the living en ty is real self-
realiza on. This cannot be a ained by the impersonalists or other tran-
scendentalists; they cannot understand the science of devo onal ser-
vice. Devo onal service is revealed to the pure devotee by the unlimited
causeless mercy of the Lord. This is especially spoken of here by the
Lord—mat-prasadena, ‘by My special grace.’ This is also confirmed in
Bhagavad-gita. Only those who engage in devo onal service with love
and faith receive the necessary intelligence from the Supreme Personali-
ty of Godhead so that gradually and progressively they can advance to