Page 24 - Sri Ramanujacharya Sahasrabdhi - 1000th year anniversary of Ramanujacarya
P. 24

The ini al stage is called santa -ra , wherein one who is liberated from
       material contamina on appreciates the greatness of the Supreme Per-
     sonality of Godhead. One who a ains this stage does not exactly en-

     gage in the transcendental loving service of the Lord, for this is the neu-
     tral stage.
     In the second stage, which is called dasya- ra , a person appreciates his
     posi on as being everlas ngly subordinate to the Supreme Lord, and
     he understands that he is eternally dependent on the causeless mercy
     of the Supreme Person. At that  me there is an awakening of natural
     affec on, such as is felt by a son who grows up and begins to appreci-
     ate  his  father's  benedic ons.  At  this  stage  the  living  en ty  wants  to
     serve the Supreme Lord instead of serving maya, illusion.
     The  third  stage  in  the  development  of  transcendental  love  is  called
     sakhya -ra . In this stage, one associates with the Supreme as a friend

     on an equal level, with love and respect. As this stage is further devel-
     oped, there is joking and such relaxed exchanges as laughing. On this
     level  there  are  fraternal  exchanges  with  the  Personality  of  Godhead,
     and one is free from all bondage. At this stage one forgets his inferior
     posi on as a living en ty, but at the same  me he has the greatest re-
     spect for the Supreme Person.
     In the fourth stage, called vatsalya -ra , the fraternal affec on of the
     preceding stage develops into parental affec on. At this  me the living

     en ty acts as the parent of God. Instead of worshiping the Lord, the
     living en ty, as a parent of the Supreme Person, becomes an object of
     worship for Him. At this stage the Lord depends on the mercy of His
     pure devotee and puts Himself under the control of the devotee to be
     raised nicely. Such a devotee can embrace the Supreme Lord and even
     kiss His head.
     In the fi h stage,  called  madhura -ra ,  there  is  a  transcendental  ex-
     change of conjugal love between the lover and the beloved. It is at this
     stage that Krishna and the damsels of Vraja glanced lovingly at one an-
     other, for on this pla orm there is an exchange of glances, movements

     of the eyebrows, pleasant words, a rac ve smiles, etc.

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