Page 19 - Sri Ramanujacharya Sahasrabdhi - 1000th year anniversary of Ramanujacarya
P. 19
unto the Lord, saying, "My Lord, from today I am Yours. You can protect
me or kill me as You like." A pure devotee takes shelter of Krishna in
such a way, and Krishna is so merciful that He accepts him and gives
him all kinds of protec on. This is confirmed in Srimad-Bhagavatam
(11.29.34) where it is said that if a person who is about to die takes full
shelter of the Supreme Lord and places himself fully under His care, he
actually a ains immortality and becomes eligible to associate with the
Supreme Lord and enjoy transcendental bliss.”
The most relevant symptom of surrender to Lord Krishna is steady and
uninterrupted service. Srila Prabhupada explains that by such unalloyed
service, Lord Krishna will reveal Himself to the sincere devotee.
Room Conversa on -- April 2, 1972, Sydney:
Syamasundara: “It seems only natural, gradually if you are all the me
serving, serving, serving Krishna, eventually...”
Prabhupada: “Yes, this is the only way. ‘sevonmukhe hi jihvadau
svayam eva sphuraty adah’ (Brs. 1.2.234). By your service, Krishna will
automa cally reveal Himself. He wants service; therefore He said,
"Surrender unto Me." "Surrender unto Me," not stop all ac vi es.
"Surrender unto Me." What He will say, you do. That is surrender. Just
like Arjuna surrendered. So surrender means that he had to fight. That
is surrender. Not that "I surrender, I do nothing." That is not surrender.
That is only nega on. Doing nothing of the material things, that is ne-
ga on. Take the posi ve view. That is doing always for Krishna.”
Real progress is to re‐establish our lost rela onship (rasa) with Lord
Speech at Olympia Theater -- Paris, June 26, 1971, (with translator):
“Just this evening I expressed my desires to the press conference that
the human society is being misled by leaders who are blind themselves.
Take for example just like there a few blind men, and one, another blind
man, is proposing to help them, crossing over the street. So this blind
following is there in this sense, that we do not know what is the aim
and objec ve of human society. The aim and objec ve of human life is