Page 18 - Sri Ramanujacharya Sahasrabdhi - 1000th year anniversary of Ramanujacarya
P. 18
science becomes revealed to the devotee from within the heart accord-
ing to the degree of his surrender to Krsna.”(Le er to Ekayani -- Los An-
geles 25 July, 1970)
There are six guidelines for surrender to Lord Krishna. The twel h chap-
ter of Teachings of Lord Caitanya states the following:
“There is no essen al difference between a fully surrendered soul and a
person in the renounced order of life. The only difference is that a fully
surrendered soul is completely dependent upon Krishna. There are six
basic guidelines for surrender.
The first is that one should accept everything that is favorable for
the discharge of devo onal service, and one should be deter-
mined to accept the process.
The second is that one should give up everything that is unfavorable
to the discharge of devo onal service, and one should be deter-
mined to give it all up.
Thirdly, one should be convinced that only Krishna can protect him
and should have full faith that the Lord will give that protec on.
An impersonalist thinks that his actual iden ty is in being one
with Krishna, but a devotee does not destroy his iden ty in this
way. He lives with full faith that Krishna will kindly protect him
in all respects.
Fourthly, a devotee should always accept Krishna as his maintainer.
Those who are interested in the fruits of ac vi es generally ex-
pect protec on from the demigods, but a devotee of Krishna
does not look to any demigod for protec on. He is fully con-
vinced that Krishna will protect him from all unfavorable cir-
Fi h, a devotee is always conscious that his desires are not inde-
pendent; unless Krishna fulfills them, they cannot be fulfilled.
Lastly, one should always think of himself as the most fallen among
souls so that Krishna will take care of him.
Such a surrendered soul should take shelter of a holy place like Vrinda-
vana, Mathura, Dvaraka, Mayapur, etc., and should surrender himself