Page 17 - Sri Ramanujacharya Sahasrabdhi - 1000th year anniversary of Ramanujacarya
P. 17

about the spirit. But Shankara, Shankara said, "No, ma er is our false
     posi on. Spirit is real posi on." But he did not say anything, what are

     the ac vi es of the spiritual life. Then Sri Ramanujacarya came. He de-
     scribed the actual posi on of spiritual life. These are gradual develop-
     ment. Your, I mean to say, Lord Jesus, also, Lord Jesus Christ, he also
     gave hints of spiritual life, kingdom of God. So when we speak of king-

     dom of God, a kingdom, vacant, cannot be. Kingdom means there must
     be ac vi es. Otherwise, what is the meaning of kingdom? So, of course,
     he did not give any detailed account of the kingdom of God, but he gave
            Lecture #3 - BG 4.11 -- Bombay, March 31, 1974:
     Prabhupada: “So they were temporary necessi es, for certain reason.
     Because  people  were  addicted  so  much  in  violence,  in  killing  the  ani-
     mals, therefore Buddha philosophy was needed. Again, this Buddha phi-
     losophy was driven out. The Shankara, impersonal philosophy was es-
     tablished. But again, the acaryas, Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya and oth-
     er Vaishnava acaryas... At last, Caitanya Mahaprabhu. They established

     that  brahma  satyam  means  brahme   paramatme   bhagavan  i
     sabdyate (SB 1.2.11). Both, three, Absolute Truth.”
     “So these are the philosophical development. So Krishna is summarizing
     this philosophical development here in this one line, that mama vart-
     manuvartante  manushyah  partha  sarvasah.  Either  you  follow  Buddha
     philosophy  or  Shankara  philosophy  or  Vaishnava  philosophy,  the  ul -
     mate goal is Krishna.”
                  Progressive nature of Krishna Consciousness –

                             guidelines for surrender
     The dynamic and progressive nature of Krishna conscious philosophy is
     essen al to understand the gradual revela on of spiritual truth and the
     different levels of worship in the material and spiritual world. This princi-
     ple is described in the Bhagavad-gita, “As all surrender unto Me, I re-
     ward them accordingly. Everyone follows My path in all respects, O son
     of Prtha.” (Bg 4.11)
     Srila Prabhupada has remarked, “This is our principle that the spiritual

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