Page 25 - Sri Ramanujacharya Sahasrabdhi - 1000th year anniversary of Ramanujacarya
P. 25

The  Sri  Vaisnava  tradi on  can  elevate  a  person  out  of  the  material
      world and  ive entrance into the eternal spiritual world of Vaikuntha.
     There the devotee experiences the rela onship of neutral apprecia on

     of  the  Lord  Narayana’s  super-excellent  quali es.  Then  progressively
     one can achieve dasya rasa or servitorship of the Lord with awe and
     reverence on the spiritual Vaikuntha planets with Lord Narayana and
     His eternal consort Laxsmi devi. On this level one can progress even
     further to the lower sakya rasa level of subordinate friendship with ad-
     ora on of Lord Narayana.
     The higher rasas of equal friendship with Lord Krishna, parental rasa,
     and conjugal rasa are experienced by the devotees who come under
     the influence of Yogamaya. They are freed of all restric ons to express
     their love and devo on very in mately with the Lord Krishna in His ex-

     quisitely beau ful and charming two-armed form.
     The rela onship with Lord Narayana is formalized with beau ful ritual
     ceremonies that inspire awe and reverence for the Lord.  By contrast,
     the pris ne rural se ng of Goloka Vrindabana promotes spontaneous
     a rac on and in mate love for Lord Krishna without any restraints of
     formal rituals.
     Lord  Caitanya    enlightens  Venkata  Bha a  about  the  rela onship  of
     Narayana and Krishna
     Lord Caitanya visited Sri Rangam and stayed in the house of Venkata

     Bha a, one of the chief priests of that temple during the four months
     of Caturmasya. During His stay, He had many profound philosophical
     discussions with Venkata Bha a. Lord Caitanya broached the subject of
     Krishna and Narayana. Their conversa on follows:
     CC Madhya 9.109 — Being a Vaiṣṇava in the Rāmānuja-sampradāya,
     Veṅkaṭa Bhaṭṭa worshiped the Dei es of Lakṣmī and Nārāyaṇa. Seeing
     his pure devo on, Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu was very sa sfied.
     CC  Madhya  9.110  —  Constantly  associa ng  with  each  other,  Śrī  Cai-
     tanya Mahāprabhu and Veṅkaṭa Bhaṭṭa gradually developed a friendly
     rela onship. Indeed, some mes they laughed and joked together.

     CC  Madhya  9.111  —  Śrī  Caitanya  Mahāprabhu  told  the  Bhaṭṭācārya,

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