Page 45 - Conversations between a Philosopher and a Saint
P. 45
of love and devo on for the Lord. (Bg 2.41)
45 stresses this point: “To show special mercy, I, dwelling in their hearts, destroy with the shining lamp of knowledge the darkness born of igno- rance,” (Bg 10.11) One who has unflinching devo on for the Supreme Lord and is directed by the spiritual master, in whom he has similar un- flinching faith, can see the Supreme Personality of Godhead by revela- on. (Svetasvatara Upanisad 6.23) Thus one who does not take person- al training under the guidance of a bona fide spiritual m
an such
knowledge of the Lord. embrace who ple iour and life style belies their claim.
of which incon- material There- con-
influence His the space. their
limi ng increment, by increases in and that so
no me, space and dimensions. In the spiritu- al world there is a compe on between and means as soon as one a empts to meas- ceivable potencies. There is no experience dimension me fore, it is impossible for mundane scien- sts, scholars, and philosophers to under- stand the spiritual world. They must first be trained in Krishna consciousness ac vi- devo on
with He limited
bliss fourth pure
20 incredible potencies. This is the difference between the three dimen- sional material world and the fourth dimensional spiritual world. The fourth dimension called Turiya is different than the finite dimensions of length, width, and height in the material world. In the fourth di- mension everything including me is unlimited as exemplified by the Supreme Lord Krishna’s unlimited body, form, and existence. When the Lord appeared as Vamana deva, a dwarf Brahmana, he was
dental ure the of world es sciousness can enter into the fourth dimension of spiritual reality.