Page 41 - Conversations between a Philosopher and a Saint
P. 41

word                and   when   Brah-  to   him   Lord.   faith   because   authority   Bali      Lord   who

           The                 sacrifices   dwarf   the   to   of   crisis        9.27)                  Pretenders

           Sukracarya.         all   of   However,  Krishna appeared before Bali   a   as  mana and asked for charity,   forbade   guru   anything   a   caused   Maharaja  his guru contradicted himself   scriptural  of the Vedas which say:  “Whatever you do, whatever  you eat, whatever you offer  or  give  away,  and  whatever  austeri es you perform – do  that , O Arjuna, as an offer-  (Bg   Me.”   coming originally from

           was                 eficiary   charity.   Maharaja   Bali’s   give   This   Bali   for   the   and   to   ing   Krishna.   by


    41  bona fide guru and a materially contaminated so-called guru. This was   His  sukra means semen, and acarya refers to a teacher or guru. Hereditary  or family gurus are present everywhere. As soon as one is born in a  religious family affiliated with a spiritual tradi on, the child comes in  Sukracarya taught Bali Maharaja that Lord Krishna is the ul mate ben-  Maharaja decided not to follow the instruc on of his guru because he  advised  a  course  of  ac on  that  was  contrary

           Maharaja.                                                                                    given    incapable of leading their disciples back to Godhead.

           Bali       contact with teachers of that lineage.                                            teaching
           of                                                                                     authen c disciplic succession of   the
           dilemma                                                                                      of

           the                                                                            authority.      ample

                                                                                    sen mentalism,
                                        yogic, religious, mys c, or scien fic processes, ie: philosophical specu-
                                                            there will not be any obstacle for one’s steady progress back to God-
                                                                                 Saint: The key to understanding this is the following: Religion with-
                Krishna’s transcendental abode cannot be reached by any other pro-
        a racted to the Lord, His service, and the associa on of pure devo-
                   cess of religion, even Hinduism, as long as there is even a  nge of ma-


                                                                                    through     Bhagavatam Canto 1, chapter 1, verse 2 – abbreviated as SB 1.1.2)  “Completely rejec ng all religious ac vi es which are materially mo -
    24     tees. By chan ng the Hare Krishna Mahamantra one can approach the  supreme des na on easily and happily. The supreme des na on of   The super-excellence of devo onal is sublime. One need not engage in  any other yoga process or mundane religious ac vity such as karma  yoga, jnana yoga, astanga yoga, raja yoga, kriya yoga, etc. One who is  devoted to Krishna can a ain all the benefits derived from all other  la on, rituals, sacrifices, chari es, austeri es, or research work.

                      terialis c desire in one’s heart.        head. (Bg 18.66)   between them?        understanding  scien fic   out
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