Page 36 - Conversations between a Philosopher and a Saint
P. 36
of Samkirtan not achieve renuncia on (yoga). chan ng
as the Supreme Personality the inaugurated people do the them helps that and knowledge nature over powers “Simply stated:
of appearing Lord that borders on any libera on of
29 to the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna Caitanya, who is more magnanimous than any other avatara (incarna on), even Krishna Himself, because He is bestowing freely what no one else has ever given – pure love of When Krishna appeared 5000 years ago, His purpose was to deliver the pious devotees from demoniac forces, annihilate the miscreants, and re-establish the principles of religion. A er His disappearance, a gradual decline took place again in the following of religious pr
Instead God. of love interested material following of religion. embrace their goals for self-indulgence. impersonal a ainment the Caitanya Sri
Krishna.” 500 years ago. with them terialis c ac vi es and prac ces of ment or (jnana), Caitanya, Lord
lack Be- forms hap- this seek an void of material from
they knowledge of the peacock. disillusioned by the falsity of flee ng of they in kind
But material piness world, merge impersonal some homogenous with abstaining to enjoy the imita on
false. real ing and to or by
is frustrated
it merely
more he is entrapped by material miseries.”
they philosophers “Not does not a empt
36 5.22) There is an indomitable law of nature as certain as the law of gravity which says: “the more one is addicted to material pleasures, the Material nature is like an imita on peacock that may appear to be very beau ful from a distance, but on close scru ny one realizes that it is only an imita on of the real peacock. Most people are chasing a er the imita on peacock due to their imperfect senses being a racted to it. These are the materialists addicted to sense gra
of impersonalists:
examina on impersonalist the
careful the and of can one a ain perfec on.” (Bg 3.4) bewildered classes. He
by efforts
cause joyment fu le two