Page 40 - Conversations between a Philosopher and a Saint
P. 40

of                  -   of            of un-  in   defini-  word          con-  wis-  love       380BC)
        message             is called   sa sfac on   in acts   point   the   The   –meaning   his   highest   in   is   sensa on,

        the                    the      ing material desires through so -called religious ac vity rather   essen al   is   verse   philosophy.  philosophy is derived from the   philos  love and sophos, wisdom. For  Socrates and Plato, philosophy  was the love of wisdom. Plato  has wri en the following three   reveal   the   with truth, that is, not with the   (Plato,

        hears               or any other method   for   than engaging  condi onal love for God.   second   above   of   roots   which   that   dom is truth.   philosopher   changing world of

        submissively           ac vity                  The   the    on   Greek   quotes   vic on      “The   knowledge.”

    25     Bhāgavatam, by this culture of knowledge the Supreme Lord is estab- The first point men oned in this important verse is the rejec on of  religious ac vi es which are materially mo vated. Therefore any reli- gion in which there is promo on of sa sfying the believer’s material  selfish desires - is completely rejected. Such a religion is considered a  chea ng religion because people’s a en on is directed toward sa sfy-  which is the object of opinion, but with the unchanging r

        and                 prayers,   religious

        a en vely           sacrifices,   projjhita-kaitavo,                                             of          nected with wisdom than truth?” (Plato, 380BC)

        one   lished within his heart.”   ritual                                                        object

        as                  by

        soon                desires   dharma                                                            the

        very rare   are   There   trees   beings

        a       says:   and   plants   human
        of life, which is   Purana   2,000,000   400,000

        a ains the human form   species.   aqua cs   of   animals                                          and inspire him to stay steady on the path.
    40     achievement, a er transmigra ng through 8,400,000 species by the  process of gradual evolu on of consciousness through birth in bod-  Padma   The   (jalaja),  (sthavara), 1,100,000 rep les (krimayo), 1,000,000 birds (paksinam),   (pashava),  (manavah). A er many births and deaths and great difficul es one  achieves the human form of life. Only in the human form of life is  one afforded the best chance to a ain the highest perfec on of life,  pure love of God. A sober human be

        One     different   the   species   land

        Saint:   of   ies   900,000   3,000,000   death.
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