Page 31 - Conversations between a Philosopher and a Saint
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deniable because the holy name of the Lord and the Lord Himself are non- different. Religion that promotes material benefits through pious ac vi es is a type of faith. Any religious, poli - cal, economic or philo- sophical system that pro- motes material advance- ment for sense gra fica- on as the goal of life is misleading society. Vedic culture is a comprehensive organiza on of society which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, cus
31 he becomes situated on the Vaisnava pla orm where it is possible to awaken one’s dormant love of Godhead (Krishna). The devotee who regularly prac ces devo onal service lives in a direct rela onship with the Supreme Lord. He is in a transcendental connec- on with the Lord right from the very beginning of service. This is un- people to become liberated from the cycle of birth and death. Krishna Consciousness promotes cultural values that if followed lead the mem- bers
ac vi es involve ac- reac ons and influence the of the three mode of nature. material with ac ng the for a achment result for one’s per- one benefit, entangled becomes in the bondage of ad- economic and
reac ve work due to the desire for profit, dis nc on and adora on.
scien fic
34 Lord Krishna advises Arjuna that he should act on His behalf without considering happiness or distress, loss or gain, victory or defeat – and by so doing he will not incur any sinful reac on. (Bg 2.38) All material If one works instead to please Krishna by acts of devo on and love, he becomes free of the karmic bondage. This is the great art of doing work without any binding reac on. Krishna emphasizes the libera ng effect of engagement in devo onal service. “By thus en
going back to Godhead).” (Bg 2.51)
ac vi es.