Page 26 - Conversations between a Philosopher and a Saint
P. 26
vali- op- due to
Krishna consciousness are who world
ship with Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
wonderful those for material
birth and death in this material world.” (Bg 9.3)
most unimaginable the of
39 pists, environmentalists, scien sts, new agers, health advocates, etc., who have different methods of libera on. Following their specula ve methods, they imagine that they have a ained libera on, but they will fall down because they have not taken shelter in their eternal rela on- dates this crucial point: “Those who are not faithful on the path of de- vo onal service cannot a ain Me, O conqueror of foes, but return to All the non-devotees, however great they may be in t
is is
Krishna This and a achment to temporary material objects and persons.
of amazed. frustra on be the same as the ini al state of devo on?
knowledge and the
full thrilled by
with be pressed
dis n- unmani- mani- unmanifested part the (those other no en- to subject truth
reality this to that uproots by both.” (Bg 2.16) Krishna highest
as another fest nature, which is eternal and ma er. It is supreme and is nev- er annihilated. When all in this annihilated, truth miseries body, living en es, and natural disas- ters). Krishna also makes a simi- lar statement: “Those who are seers of the truth have conclud- ed that of the non-existant (the world the
truth is transcendental and remains as it is.“ (BG 8.20) highest the by material body) there is temporary of
highest there “Yet fested is world The threefold caused defini on
26 “What is at issue is the conversion of the mind from the twilight of error to the truth, that climbs up into the real world which we shall the guished from illusion for the welfare of all. The highest truth is de- scribed in the Bhagavad Gita as the eternal spiritual world, which is is durance and of the eternal (the soul) there is no change. This they nature of equates the truth with what is eternally exis ng as opposed to what is
call true philosophy.” (Plato, 380BC)
defines the endurance. me uproot the threefold miseries experienced in material life.
above never annihilated like the transitory material world. studying without Bhagavatam’s
verse by and the
Sanskrit concluded
The have temporary Therefore