Page 23 - Conversations between a Philosopher and a Saint
P. 23
by the systema c development of
the the en- medi- for
to life. Thus, by always – Arjuna
transcendental determined by being devoted to Me and O Me,
is work which is service upon
Krishna devo onal minds
23 is to become disentangled from these modes and thus rise above the temporary designa ons of the varnas through undivided devo on and Human society without Daiva Varnasrama is similar to an animal socie- ty in which there is no a empt for spiritual perfec on. The divisions of society and the work ascribed to them are meant to gradually elevate modes of nature, one who becomes fully Krishna conscious also can transcend the influence of the modes and a ain eternal life in th
animal status Because person has a tendency up all their ac vi es unto Me and in engaged fixed having
love for Krishna. the people from consciousness. Krishna es for pleasing the Lord. Every vad-gita, Me, giving devia on, without Me, upon ta ng 12. 6-7)
Lord, by Lord was of eve- in not his which main- his a ach- of mental austeri es
the tricked the who capable taking rything away charity. Then Sukracarya would receive monthly s pend with tained a ainment
of he material severe
service his the by
the of even
in because and self-realiza on
employed austerity,
42 flinching example of pure and steady devo on. To achieve such a posi- on the guru must be free of all false associa ons and a achments. It is said: “Bhak , or devo onal service, means engaging all our senses in the service of the Lord, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the mas- ter of all the senses. When the spirit soul renders service unto the Su- preme, there are two side effects. One is freed from all material desig- Bali Maharaja realized that his seminal or family gu
being spontaneous loving service, but He is not easily accessible to striving
by one’s senses are purified.” (Narada Pancaratra) disciple knowledge,
simply his those
and, instruct Therefore, to
na ons, to able ments. speculators,