Page 46 - Conversations between a Philosopher and a Saint
P. 46

who                                   to   that   could   univer-  the   the   situated   in-  these

                                        one                             In another place,   Krishna  shows  His   form   “At   of   Lord the unlimited   of   in one place alt-  divided   to many, many   But
           rupa is explained in the following verse of the Katha Upanisad:
                                        the                                         Arjuna   the   in   form   expansions
                                        as       who  is  inconceivable,  and  who is      universal   Arjuna:    me   see   sal   universe   hough   quali es.

                                        Supreme                                                                  contradictory

                            energies.” (Svetasvatara Upanisad  (3.9)
    19  at the same  me contain everything in His universal form as the virat  “There is no truth superior to that Supreme Person, because He is the  Supermost. He is smaller than the smallest, and He is greater than the  greatest. He is situated as a silent tree, and He illumines the transcen- dental sky, and as a tree spreads its roots, He spreads His extensive  It is confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita that Krishna is smaller than the  knows everything, as He who is the oldest, who is t
                                        the                                                                      mutually

                                        meditate   is  beyond  all  material  concep on,   beyond this material nature.” (Bg 8.9)   in that universal form”. (Bg 11.12)   apparently

                                                   smallest:   should   “One                                     and   diverse

                                                                           chants the mantra    However,   ever-increasing. The

                                                                      self are iden cal.” (Padma Purana and CC Mad. 17.133)
                                                                           advanced,            transcendence.   of   and

                                                                           neophyte or          the       is  happiness
    46  qualita ve iden ty with Krishna in the sense that he is the eternal part  and parcel of the Lord and iden fies as the Lord’s eternal servant. This  frees the devotee from all reac ons to his past deeds. The devotee lives  in a direct rela onship with Lord Krishna. His posi on  is transcendental  right from the very beginning of devo onal service because he no long- er lives on the material pla orm of self-indulgence. He lives in Krishna  by constantly chan ng Hare Krishna Hare

                                                                           When the devotee, either   understand   cannot   one   transcendental   otee
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