Page 48 - Conversations between a Philosopher and a Saint
P. 48

inferior   marginal   are   They    to   due         is the                     under-

                material,   the   and   combine.    body             Krishna                    to   difficult

                this                                material         that                       is

                of    (ma er)   souls                                awareness                  It   6.29)
                resources   energy   spirit         another                                     (Bg

    17  ginal spiritual energy which is comprised of all the individual living en-   es or eternal spirit souls. “Besides these, O mighty-armed Arjuna,  there is another, superior energy of Mine, which comprises the living  world.” (Bg 7.5)  Everything in the world is a combina on of ma er   infinite  combined in the sense that two separate and dis nct things, the eter- nal soul, and temporarily manifest ma er are combined when ma er  (the body) covers the soul.  They are not chemical
                the   material   of                 assumes          state   the                everywhere.”        ual Iden ty is explained in the invoca on mantra of the Isopanisad:

                exploi ng   external   up   made    either           is

                are   The            ma er temporarily covers the soul.   soul   world in an eternal spiritual body.   consciousness   Lord,
                who   spirit.   energy              the                                         Supreme

                en  es   and   spiritual            death,   At       Krishna                   same

                                               knowledge                        service for

                                               acquired                         regular

                                               with                             senses by

                                               diminish                         the

    48  creator of the en re universe has said: “Those who, even while remain- ing situated in their established social posi ons, throw away the pro- cess  of  specula ve  knowledge  and  with  their  body,  words,  and  mind  offer all respects to descrip ons of Your (Krishna’s) personality and ac-  vi es, dedica ng their lives to these narra ons, which are vibrated by  You personally and by Your pure devotees, certainly conquer Your Lord- ship, although You are otherwise unconquerab
                                               senses   the   devoid of the desire for sense gra fica on. (Bg 4.19)   regulate the ac vity of

                                three worlds.” (SB 10.14.3)   of  self-indulgence   with   a empt to
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