Page 49 - Conversations between a Philosopher and a Saint
P. 49

about                 of self-         con-       a   is

        hearing                                Krishna   in   there  moment

        is never sa ated in   that reveals the excitement   observa ons  He  says  he  has  prac cal  experience  through  engaging his   every   at

    49     Krishna. The more one hears the more he wants to hear the nectar of  Krishna’s words and pas mes. Any statement concerning Krishna is like  nectar, which becomes profoundly understood by prac cal experience  The great Alvar saint of South India named Yamunacarya has composed  realiza on in Krishna consciousness. “Since my mind has been engaged  in the service of the lotus feet of Lord Krishna, … I have been enjoying  an ever new transcendental humor…” Yamunacarya was a kin
        one                                    his                                                          test of your sincerity. Your enthusiasm will increase, not decrease.

        this point,   of service and preaching to the public.   following wonderful prayer   describing   realiza on   Spiritual

        entanglements. At     the              is  Yamunacarya   sciousness.   lightenment.   tal knowledge.

                                              of                                          to    en re   the      7.4)
                                              form    becomes                             rela on          intelli-  (Bg
                   for them to emulate such a powerful source of unlimited energy.
                                              a                What do you mean                 the   comprising   mind,
                                              is      person                              in    that             energies.”
                                              (which   a          exactly when you say someone is   Saint: The sense of existence sep- arate from Krishna is called maya  (ma- not, ya- this). Not seeing the  connec on of things to Krishna is  material vision. When one learns   everything  Krishna, he a ains spiritual vision.   explains   energy  material universe is an expansion  of his external energy. “Earth, wa-  ether,  gence, and false ego – all togeth-

                                              electricity   Krishna,   Philosopher:   Krishna Conscious?   see   material   air,   fire,   material

    16  edly emi ng energy in the form of sunlight and heat that illuminates  and sustains the en re universe.  The sun is self-sustaining and self- sufficient. The scien sts are capturing only a very minute amount of  the total energy coming from the sun on a daily basis. It is impossible  Krishna declares that the light of the sun and moon are the reflec on  of the brilliant spiritual effulgence, called the Brahmajyo , that ema- nates from His transcendental spiritual body in the spiri
                                              fire     emana ng


                                              sun,    as   seen

                                              the                                                                er these eight cons tute My
                                              says    are  Krishna (God) conscious.

                                              Krishna   electricity
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