Page 52 - Conversations between a Philosopher and a Saint
P. 52

Bg   to       166),                                          very        for      that   for

              (   is   cows.”           Islam,                 gradually      animal flesh   food   green   meat   5  And   being.
              Bhagavad-gita   agriculturalists)   to  protec on   verse   17,   Chris anity,   of   purpose   indicated   be   will   the   you   eat   not   it.   in   s ll   human

              the   and   give   Chapter   in   whether   erence to restric ons in this age of  Kali to cow sacrifice as well as ignor-  Vedic  elimina ng all animal killing through  severely restricted animal sacrifice.   Testament   strict restric ons on  consump on. In Genesis chapter 9.  Verses 3 to 6, 3 “ Everything that lives   about   moves   gave   I   as  plants, I now give you everything.”   must   you   lifeblood  your  lifeblood  I  will  surely  demand  an accoun ng. I wil

              He explained a statement in   vaisyas   of   products,   Caitanya-caritamrita  of years as there are hairs on the body of the cow.”   spiritual   for  accoun ng  for in the image of God has God made mankind.”

    13  emphasized over five hundred years ago by Lord Caitanya, the incarna-  on of Lord Krishna in this age of Kali, to Chand Kazi, a Muslim scholar   (businessmen   and   trade  Thus, in Vedic society, it is impera ve to protect cows, not eat them. It  is forbidden to kill a cow or a bull in this age. Lord Caitanya told Chand   (Adi-lila,  “Cow killers are condemned to rot in hellish life for as many thousands   teachers,  Hinduism, Buddhism, or Judaism are misleading their faithfu

              of the Koran.   duty  18.44),“The   agricultural   produce   Sri   the   in   Kazi      modern  Therefore,   an   demand

                                gradually   liberated                           worldly

                                that        is   he                             from

                                service     when                                differ  devo on. You explained already the difference

                                devo onal   manifests                           devo on   and

    52  But, if he drives his bicycle onto a Boeing 787 jet and con nues to pedal  inside the airplane which takes off. Now he may con nue to pedal at his  maximum speed inside the plane.  However, the jet reaches its airborne  speed of 500 miles per hour. Although the bicyclist is going at his speed  of twenty five miles inside the plane, the plane is carrying him at its  speed of 500 miles. The purpose of all yoga prac ce is to connect with  the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord K
                                regulated                                       spiritual

                                through   itual pla orm of purified consciousness.   spiritual   full   does   love and   enced by your devotees for Krishna?

                                made        devotee’s                           How

                                is                                              plana ons.    onships of
                                 on         The
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