Page 57 - Conversations between a Philosopher and a Saint
P. 57
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a ains path. can
once spiritual souls
57 at there is no doubt.” (Bg 8.5) To achieve success at the end of one’s life, the process of remembering Krishna is essen al. Krishna who appeared as Lord Caitanya only 500 years ago has recommended constant and incessant chan ng of the mahamantra (great chant for deliverance) – Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare / Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. At the same me one should be very tol- erant and humble and always depend on the good will of Kris
alone the self-realized
Me on
remembering return back to Godhead. advancement The him.
body gradual unto
his ing service
to to and
codes to develop servant, completely disease
other the
and becoming everything age, old
Commandments nine favorable ac vi es worshiping, birth, of
8 ing possibility is that at any me an eternally condi oned soul suffer- ing in this world of illusion can choose to surrender to the will of God. Then his des ny is changed and he can free himself from the cycle of God’s instruc on as revealed by Lord Krishna in the Bhagavad-gita and other bona fide scriptures like the Bible, Koran, etc., gives an explicit detail of forbidden ac vi es that will result in adverse reac ons and prescribed du es that free one from the cycle of
Ten 1-meat ea ng including red meat, chicken and fish praying, suffering
the 3-gambling or philosophical specula on and the
have 2-illicit sex outside of marriage 4- intoxica on Further, the Vedas recommend serving, with from
birth and death. Torah and Koran avoid and four to do. To avoid: To do: God of holy devotees God, of glories friendship making libera on a ain death.