Page 62 - Conversations between a Philosopher and a Saint
P. 62
hypocrisy. This is because of standard fide bona opinion of differences Turks shot the claim herds ca le the and feed the to food enough
We live in an age of quarrel and of purpose and na ons think Turkish entered tainly a possibility of war between Turkey and Russia. Philosopher: Sadly, I agree with you. will people there Eventually
3 Once there was a conversa on between a saint and a philosopher, there is no longer a standard of knowledge and truth. Most people engage in faulty reason, logic, and scien fic research to speculate on a Lacking life. knowledge and truth, people disagree and argue. On a slight provoca- Philosopher: Individuals disagree and fight over trivial differences of such for fight Yes, most certainly. Whenever there is a disagreement con- cerning an event or its interpreta
which follows. Saint: meaning the on they even fight. you Do opinion. about knowledge and truth? Saint: never jet their war is possible. Do you agree? will be violence and disrup on. The starva on. diminish. will
Lord The con-
to Jesus Christ surrendering to the will of his Father, Arjuna accepts the
will of the Lord and agrees to act according to the order of Krishna.
for objects. Amrta-bindu Krishna
devo on sense the in
and to In engaged
faith a achment existence. always
unflinching Krishna and the Lord’s pure devotee spiritual master, he develops all good quali es of a divine person. But one who is not a commi ed devo- tee of the Lord has only material qualifica ons that are of li le value. This is because he is hovering on the mental plane and is certain to be a racted by the glaring material energy.” (SB 5.18.12) The mind is con- sidered the sixth sense that receives informa on from the five sense for acquiring knowledge (eyes, e
develops intelligence in entangled the is sciousness is the cause of complete or supreme libera on.
devotee the conclusion
a becomes The
“When overpower one era on.