Page 61 - Conversations between a Philosopher and a Saint
P. 61
existence to according
spiritual knowledge to overcome his feverishly confused mentality.
independent act to
or prepared
separate am
61 should not have presented himself as an expert in religious knowledge and at the same me he was overwhelmed with false grief due to fami- ly affec on. Krishna chided him: “While speaking learned words, you are mourning for what is not worthy of grief. Those who are wise la- ment neither for the living nor for the dead.” (Bg 2.11) The material body is des ned to die sooner or later. It is not as important as the eter- nal soul trapped in the body. One should c
a and
has doubt
person a from
the perishable body. that thought sory strated this fundamental truth. free and firm now
there successive the of be- and wide- storms, failure, unemploy- coun es consump- ac vi es to
example, four droughts in the Great area States 1930 causing dust ment and devasta on to the USA economy. in ca le human
people. For were Plains United tween 1940, spread agricultural poverty, for
purchased unfit be used in food distribu on to families na on-
DRS Animals interes ng how you correlate sinful
4 The drought in 1934 was described as the worst ever in USA history. It affected 75% of the country and caused severe problems that affected The Drought Relief Service (DRS) was a federal agency of the US govern- ment’s New Deal. It was formed in 1935 to coordinate relief ac vi es which were designated emergency areas, where ca le were in danger on were killed. The remaining ca le were given to the Federal Surplus Droughts have hap
Bowl. drought.
Dust the to due general popula on and their atheis c leaders. drought and natural catastrophes? tains and eventually will dissolve. He says:
twenty seven states. to response in starva on of Relief Corpora on to wide. This is only one example. It is Philosopher: