Page 47 - Conversations between a Philosopher and a Saint
P. 47
en ty. naturally devotee in spiritual
living en ty the
every living by
son from being a materialist to becoming a spiritualist?
of rendered
heart the although not conversant
the chan ng, service
47 blissful, spiritual nature manifests and is sustained without any impedi- ment due to his purifica on by constant service and thinking of Krishna. Philosopher: What is it exactly that transforms the thinking of a per- in “Pure love for Krishna is eternally established in the hearts of living en- es. It is not something to be gained from another source. When the awakens.” (Caitanya Caritamrta, Madhya 22.177) Lord Krishna as the Supersoul accompanies the individual soul
innate and devo onal they also transcend the path of birth and death.” (Bg 13.26)
is hearing
Krishna by
of purified unadulterated “Again there are those who,
Love is is
Saint: heart tees
is and and indi- that than plan- at
Whatever one different. He maintains individuali- at the same me He expands Him- infinite expansions non-different Himself (these are the expansions Vaikuntha ets and the Vishnu ex- pansions in the materi- and, the same me, the Na- crea on, the contained is expands Lord expansion of
wholes. simultaneously inconceivably unique His ty and into self vidual are Narayana the universes); for everything the
complete in al independent that Therefore
18 “The Personality of Godhead is perfect and complete, and because He is completely perfect, all emana ons from Him, such as this phenome- as produced of the Complete Whole is also complete in itself. Because He is the Complete Whole, even though so many complete units emanate The transcendental spiritual principle that describes Krishna’s incredi- ble abili es is “achintya bhedabedha ta va – which means the Lord is rayana expansions act as if they are independent in the
equipped act maintenance and dissolu on of the material crea on). understand the emulate as the virat rupa, the gigan c universal form
perfectly from Him, He remains the complete balance.” expansions to difficult to us
are Vishnu also for
world, the is impossible
nal and What Himself