Page 37 - Anandamela 2019
P. 37
and bricks. It is absorbed in the body through inhala on a er construc on or
demoli on involving cu ng, dressing, grinding or blas ng stone or concrete
release it in the air. Long term exposure to silica leads to lung infec ons and
lung cancer.
30.Fiberglass. Like the name suggests, this is a type of fibre made up of glass
which is mostly used as a thermal insulator and as a roofing material.
Exposure to fiberglass is most prevalent among workers who cut, trim, chop
and sand the fibres producing dust which mixes with air and dust and later
finds its way into their bodies through inges on or inhala on.
The fibres cause eye, skin and upper respiratory tract irrita on and aggravate
bronchi s and asthma.
This list needs to be updated regularly because research by industrial chem-
ists is ongoing to find more inorganic molecules to make products for sale.
Step #4 ‐ Avoid ea ng foods that are nutri onally depleted
Fruits and vegetables grown 50 or more years ago were much richer in vita-
mins and minerals than those purchased today. Modern intensive agricultur-
al methods have depleted the topsoil of minerals.
A group of researchers led by Donald Davis from the University of Texas (UT)
at Aus n’s Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry published the results
of their compara ve study of the U.S. Department of Agriculture nutri onal
data from 1950 to 1999. Data of forty three vegetables and fruits were com-
pared. Their findings were published in the Journal of the American College
of Nutri on in December 2004.
They found verified declines in the amount of protein, calcium, phosphorus,
iron, riboflavin (vitamin B2) and vitamin C over the past half century. Davis
and his colleagues a ributed the reduced nutri onal content to the agricul-
tural prac ces designed to improve traits (size, growth rate, pest resistance)
for marke ng purposes. They were not as concerned about the nutri onal
content. Other nutri onal components like magnesium, zinc and vitamins B-6
and E were not studied in 1950 were not studied.
There were other studies with similar compara ve data. The Kushi Ins tute