Page 34 - Anandamela 2019
P. 34

frozen pizza, cookies, crackers, and margarines. The problem with trans fats
      is that they are believed to increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, and type
      2 diabetes; in fact, scien sts are now in agreement that trans fat is harmful
      to health. It  raises your bad (LDL)  cholesterol levels and lowers  your good
      (HDL) cholesterol levels. Labels are required to list the amount of trans fats.
      But it is important to note that products can be listed as 0 grams of trans fats
      if they contain less than 0.5 grams per serving. You are likely to see them on
      a label listed as par ally hydrogenated oils. Alterna ve names: par ally hy-
      drogenated co onseed oil, par ally hydrogenated palm oil, par ally hydro-
      genated  soybean  oil,  par ally  hydrogenated  vegetable  oil,  trans fats, trans
      fa y acids, par ally hydrogenated canola oil.

      19. Rosemary Extract. Actual addi ve numbers 300-321, found in some cere-
      als, salami, fresh pasta or margarine or cooking oils.

      20. Yeast Extract. Hidden form of MSG found in some spreads, soups, dips,
      chips, microwave dinners.

      21. Rice Extract. A chemical stabilizer and emulsifier used in ice cream, pizzas,
      savory snacks.

      22.  Roasted  Barley  Malt  Extract.  Flavoring  and  color  enhancer  that  makes
      cereals taste toasted.

      Altered Food molecules for shelve-stability
      Trans fats are a form of unsaturated fat associated with a number of nega ve
      health effects. Ar ficial trans fat is created during hydrogena on, which con-
      verts  liquid  vegetable  oils  into  semi-solid  par ally  hydrogenated  oil.  Trans
      fat can also be found naturally in meat and dairy.

      Ea ng  trans  fats  increases  levels  of  low-density  lipoprotein  (LDL,  or  “bad”
      cholesterol), especially the small, dense LDL par cles that may be more dam-
      aging to arteries. It lowers levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL, or “good”
      cholesterol) par cles, which scour blood vessels for bad cholesterol and truck
      it to the liver for disposal. It also promotes inflamma on, an over ac vity of
      the immune system that has been implicated in heart disease, stroke, diabe-
      tes, and other chronic condi ons.

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