Page 30 - Anandamela 2019
P. 30
produce than cane sugar. Starch is a simple sugar, and when broken down the
end result is corn syrup, which is 100% glucose. Enzymes are then added to
the corn syrup, helping convert the glucose into another simple sugar called
In addi on to sweet products, it is found in many other types of foods. Yo-
gurts, breads, frozen pizzas, cereal bars, cocktail peanuts, and boxed macaro-
ni and cheese are a few examples where HFCS is found.
Because major health risks have exploded in the past few decades with the
increasing popularity of easy to grab processed foods, it is thought that HFCS
may increase the risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes. Labeled as high fructose
corn syrup. Alterna ves: HFCS, isoglucose, maize syrup, glucose-fructose syr-
up, glucose/fructose.
8. Aspartame. Aspartame is a low-calorie sweetener consis ng of two amino
acids, namely phenylalanine and aspar c acid. Because it is about 200 mes
sweeter than sugar, very li le is required to get a sweet taste. Aspartame is
usually found in diet or sugar-free sodas, diet coke, coke zero, jello (and other
gela ns), desserts, sugar-free gum, drink mixes, baking goods, table-top
sweeteners, cereal, breath mints, pudding, kool-aid, iced tea, chewable vita-
mins, toothpaste.
While watching calorie consump on is important, using ar ficial addi ves
and sweeteners such as aspartame may cause some health risks. Studies have
shown that aspartame may elevate blood glucose and increase anxiety. La-
bels use the name aspartame. Alterna ve names: Canderel, Tropicana Slim,
NutraSweet, Equal, AminoSweet
9. Caramelized sugar syrup. Replaces E150 caramel which gives bread and
cooked chicken a brown look.
Addi ves
10. Potassium Bromate. Potassium bromate is a common food addi ve that is
used to strengthen bread and cracker dough, helping it rise during baking;
however, California and and the interna onal cancer agency lists it as a car-
cinogen. Potassium bromate has been labeled as causing tumors, toxic to the
kidneys and may even cause DNA damage. Though once baked, it converts to