Page 31 - Anandamela 2019
P. 31

potassium bromide which has been deemed as non-carcinogenic, some resi-
      dues exist. It has been banned in the United Kingdom, European Union and
      Canada in  food,  but the United  States s ll  allows it  to be  added  to
      flour.Labels  typically  reference  it  as  potassium  bromate.  Alterna ves:  bro-
      mates,  calcium  bromate,  potassium  bromate,  sodium  bromate,  bromated

      11. Monosodium Glutamate (MSG). It is no surprise that MSG is on the list.
      MSG is created by a naturally occurring chemical called glutamate and looks
      similar to salt or sugar crystals. While glutamate is tasteless, it has the ability
      to enhance flavors. It is typically found in Chinese food, canned foods, and
      processed meats. MSG has the GRAS Classifica on by the Food & Drug Ad-
      ministra on which means it is “generally recognized as safe.” But due to the
      controversy surrounding MSG, the FDA requires that it be listed on the label.
      However,  some  foods  such  as  tomatoes,  soybeans,  and  seaweed  naturally
      contain  glutamate,  and  some  researchers  suggests  that  glutamate,  also
      known as umami, is the another essen al flavor that our taste buds can de-
      tect, in addi on to sweet, salty, bi er, and sour.

      MSG has go en a bad rap for years, with numerous claims in late 1960s alleg-
      ing that food prepared with MSG at Chinese restaurants made people sick;
      however,  many  studies  report  difficulty  in  finding  concrete  evidence  that
      there is a problem with MSG. At the same  me, some reports have indicated
      numerous reac ons such as headaches, flushing, swea ng, facial pressure or
       ghtness, numbness,  ngling or burning in the face, neck and other areas,
      rapid, heart palpita ons, chest pain, nausea, and weakness. Labels typically
      note it as monosodium glutamate or MSG, but it may be disguised by other
      ingredients that contain MSG such as hydrolyzed soy protein and autolyzed
      yeast. Alterna ve names: sodium glutamate, MSG, Accent, Zest, Ajinomoto,
      Preserva ves

      12. Sodium Benzoate. Sodium benzoate is a common food preserva ve used
      in  many  processed  food  products  and  drinks  to  prevent  spoilage. Sodium
      benzoate is the sodium salt of benzoic acid. It is used as an an fungal pre-
      serva ve  in  pharmaceu cal  prepara ons  and  foods.  Sodium  benzoate  is
      o en added to acidic food products such as sauerkraut, jellies and jams, and
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