Page 32 - Anandamela 2019
P. 32
hot sauces; however some foods, like cranberries, cinnamon, prunes and ap-
ples, naturally contain it. It has been suggested that it may help treat hyper-
ammonemia in terms of medica on. Concerns have been raised regarding it
as a possible cause of hyperac vity in some children, though more studies
are needed according to The European Food Safety Authority. Food labels
typically reference it as sodium benzoate. Alterna ve names: benzoic acid,
potassium benzoate.
13. Sodium Nitrite
Sodium nitrite is usually found in preserved meat products like sausages,
cured meats and canned meats. Concerns of this preserva ve are that too
much may cause pancrea c cancer and other health problems. A study re-
ports that methemoglobinemia, a blood disorder in which an abnormal
amount of methemoglobin is produced, was found in in an adolescent girl
and her father a er inges ng homemade beef jerky that contained sodium
nitrate. Both experienced palpita ons, dyspnea, and visible mucosal cyano-
sis. Look for sodium nitrate on the food labels. Alterna ve names: sodium
nitrite, nitrate, nitrite.
14. Sodium Sulfite (E221)
Preserva ve used in wine-making and other processed foods. According to
the FDA, approximately one in 100 people is sensi ve to sulfites in food. The
majority of these individuals are asthma c, sugges ng a link between asthma
and sulfites. Individuals who are sulfite sensi ve may experience headaches,
breathing problems, and rashes. In severe cases, sulfites can actually cause
death by closing down the airway altogether, leading to cardiac arrest. Found
in wine and dried fruit.
15. Sulfur Dioxide (E220)
Sulfur addi ves are toxic and in the United States of America, the Food and
Drug Administra on have prohibited their use on raw fruit and vegetables.
Adverse reac ons include bronchial problems, par cularly in those prone to
asthma, hypotension (low blood pressure), flushing, ngling sensa ons or
anaphylac c shock. It also destroys vitamins B1 and E. Not recommended for
consump on by children. The Interna onal Labour Organiza on says to avoid
E220 if you suffer from conjunc vi s, bronchi s, emphysema, bronchial asth-