Page 36 - Anandamela 2019
P. 36

26.Halogenated flame retardants are chemicals incorporated in construc on
     materials  during  manufacturing  to  slow  down  or  stop  the  spread  of  flames
     either by forming a protec ve film or by inhibi ng chemical reac ons that sup-
     port combus on in case of a fire break out.

     When heated, these retardants degrade into toxic substances in gaseous form
     which then mix with dust and get into the body through inges on or inhala-
     They can cause disrup on of hormones especially thyroid, adverse develop-
     mental problems in foetus and children, immunotoxicity, cancer and reproduc-
      ve problems.

     27.Cadmium. This is a so  malleable metal that is resistant to corrosion, insol-
     uble in water and non-flammable when in solid state.

     It has been widely used on other metals especially steel as corrosion resistant
     pla ng. Its compounds have also been used to stabilize plas c and to colour
     glass since they are available in red, yellow and orange pigments.

     Cadmium fumes, highly soluble compounds or fine dust can cause pulmonary
     oedema  (accumula on  of  fluids  in  the  air  spaces  and   ssue  in  the  lungs),
     pneumoni s (inflamma on of lung  ssue) and death.

     High levels of exposure to cadmium have also been linked to prostate, breast
     and lung cancer.
     28.Vola le  organic  compounds  VOCs  are  naturally  occurring  or  man-made
     chemicals with a low boiling point resul ng in large numbers of their mole-
     cules vaporizing and filling the surrounding air.

     In  building  and  construc on,  VOCs  are  commonly  found  in  solvents,  paint,
     plas cs,  synthe c  fibres,  adhesives  and  protec ve  coa ngs.  Some  of  them
     such as formaldehyde which emanates from paint have boiling points as low
     as just -

     VOCs usually cause irrita on to eye and respiratory track, dizziness, memory
     impairment,  damage  to  the  kidney,  liver  and  central  nervous  system.  Some
     have also been found to cause cancer in animals and humans.
     29.Silica is a natural occurring substance found in stone, sand, concrete,  les

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