Page 42 - Anandamela 2019
P. 42
Harry's Asafoe da)
- Baked potato or sweet potato/yam
An example of a protein meal is:
- Len l or bean soup
- Cooked vegetables
- Large salad as above
- Yogurt or tofu
Breakfast diet
Oatmeal is an inexpensive and highly nutri ous grain for dietary support for
health. An ideal breakfast is oatmeal cooked in whole organic cow milk from
cows that are protected un l natural death (Ahimsa milk), or cooked in pure
water. You can add fruits and other grains such as amaranth, quinoa, etc. for
enhanced nutri on with added raisins, dates and ripe bananas for natural
sweetening. An oatmeal breakfast with or without the natural addi ves will
give you almost everything you need daily nutri on and keep you sa sfied
un l and early dinner.
Foods to Avoid:
- Cold cereals for breakfast. Try to have a fruit and fruit juice breakfast, and if
you need more food, eat oatmeal cooked in Ahimsa milk, plant milk or water.
You may add some fruits and nuts with honey or organic molasses.
- Sugar and regular table salt. Instead, use Uncle Harry's Raw Honey and Un-
cle Harry's Sea Salt and Sea Veggies.
Try to drink fresh juices every day that you make yourself. A good mix is ap-
ple, orange, carrot, grape. Try to drink two to three glasses of the following
herb tea mix: ginger, cinnamon, clove, cayenne pepper, and black pepper.
Add a squeeze of fresh lemon and Uncle Harry's Raw Honey.
Above all, avoid meat, fish, eggs, all processed foods, fizzy sodas, energy
drinks and all the "miracle" supplements.
There are food products that Americans consume every day that are slowly