Page 66 - Metaphysical questions of life
P. 66
cerned, a Kṛṣṇa conscious person does not do anything which is not
connected with Kṛṣṇa’s interest, and thus his work is always regulated
and is untainted by sense gra fica on. Since there is no ques on of
sense gra fica on, there is no material leisure for a person in Kṛṣṇa
consciousness. And because he is regulated in all his work, speech,
sleep, wakefulness and all other bodily ac vi es, there is no material
misery for him.” (Bg 6.17 – purport)
Time is the most precious thing in one’s life. Not even a second that
has passed can be repurchased. The richest man in the world cannot
buy back me that has passed in his life. Therefore, the most valuable
asset we possess is me. Therefore, as Srila Prabhupada has wri en,
we should not waste one second of our life doing nonsense and for-
ge ng Lord Krishna.
5‐What is Karma (ac vity)?
a-“The cons tu onal posi on of the living en ty is different from the
posi on he takes in the material world. In material consciousness his
nature is to try to be the lord of ma er, but in spiritual consciousness,
Kṛṣṇa consciousness, his posi on is to serve the Supreme. When the
living en ty is in material consciousness, he has to take on various bod-
ies in the material world. That is called karma, or varied crea on by the
force of material consciousness.” (Bg 8.4 - purport)
b-“Material nature itself is cons tuted by three quali es: the mode of
goodness, the mode of passion and the mode of ignorance. Above
these modes there is eternal me, and by a combina on of these
modes of nature and under the control and purview of eternal me
there are ac vi es, which are called karma. These ac vi es are being
carried out from me immemorial, and we are suffering or enjoying the
fruits of our ac vi es. For instance, suppose I am a businessman and
have worked very hard with intelligence and have amassed a great
bank balance. Then I am an enjoyer. But then say I have lost all my
money in business; then I am a sufferer. Similarly, in every field of life
we enjoy the results of our work, or we suffer the results. This is
called karma.”
(Bg – Introduc on)