Page 65 - Metaphysical questions of life
P. 65
c- sahasra-yuga-paryantam / ahar yad brahmaṇo viduḥ
rātriṁ yuga-sahasrāntāṁ / te ’ho-rātra-vido janāḥ
“By human calcula on, a thousand ages taken together form the dura-
on of Brahmā’s one day. And such also is the dura on of his
night.” (Bg 8.17)
Brahma 12 hours of day me is calculated as 4,320,000,000 of our
earthly years. His night is the same dura on. Thus his one day is
8,640,000,000 earthly years (called a kalpa). His dura on of life is
8,640,000,000 X (30 days) X 12 (months) X 100 (years). One day of
Brahma is made up of 1000 cycles of four ages (called yugas): Satya
(1,728,000 earthly years), Treta (1,296,000 years), Dvapara (864,000
years) and Kali (432,000 years).
His en re dura on of life is 311,040,000,000,000 earthly years. Brahma
is a servant of Lord Krishna entrusted with the management of the sec-
ondary crea on of the universe. He is also subject to birth, old age, dis-
ease and death. But due to his unwavering service to Lord Krishna he is
accorded libera on a er his death.
d- śrī-bhagavān uvāca
kālo ’smi loka-kṣaya-kṛt pravṛddho – “The Supreme Personality of God-
head said: Time I am, the great destroyer of the worlds.” (Bg 11.32)
e-aham evākṣayaḥ kālo – “I am also inexhaus ble me” – “Among all
kinds of killers, me is the ul mate because me kills everything. Time
is the representa ve of Kṛṣṇa because in due course of me there will
be a great fire and everything will be annihilated.” (Bg 10.33)
f-Avyartha kalatvam – “a Krishna conscious person cannot bear to pass
a minute of his life without being engaged in the service of the Lord.
Therefore, his sleeping is kept to a minimum. His ideal in this respect is
Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī, who was always engaged in the service of Kṛṣṇa
and who could not sleep more than two hours a day, and some mes
not even that. Ṭhākura Haridāsa would not even accept prasādam nor
even sleep for a moment without finishing his daily rou ne of chan ng
with his beads three hundred thousand names. As far as work is con-