Page 69 - Metaphysical questions of life
P. 69

of sannyāsa is also a sort of karma befi ng an āśrama and is not pleas-
      ant  to  Kṛṣṇa  when  it  aims  at  libera on,  i.e.,  desire  for  emancipa on.
      They also receive frui on of their karma and, even if it be disinterested,
      their karma ends in ātma-mamatā, i.e., self-pleasure; but those who are
      pure devotees always serve Kṛṣṇa by gra fying His senses forsaking all
      a empts of karma and jñāna, and being free from all desires save that
      of serving Kṛṣṇa. Kṛṣṇa has fully destroyed the karma, its desires and
      nescience of those devotees. It is a great wonder that Kṛṣṇa, being im-
      par al, is fully par al to His devotees.” (brahma Samhita 5. 54 – purport
      by Bhak sindhanta Saraswa  Prabhupada)

      Lord Krishna also promises Arjuna:

             Sarva‐dharmān parityajya / mām ekaṁ śaraṇaṁ vraja
             Aham tvāṁ sarva‐pāpebhyo / mokṣayiṣyāmi mā śucaḥ

      “Abandon all varie es of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall de-
      liver you from all sinful reac ons. Do not fear.”  (Bg 18.66)

      “In the Seventh Chapter it was said that only one who has become free
      from all sinful reac ons can take to the worship of Lord Kṛṣṇa. Thus one
      may think that unless he is free from all sinful reac ons he cannot take
      to the surrendering process. To such doubts it is here said that even if
      one is not free from all sinful reac ons, simply by the process of surren-
      dering to Śrī Kṛṣṇa he is automa cally freed. There is no need of strenu-
      ous  effort  to  free  oneself  from  sinful  reac ons.  One  should  unhesi-
      ta ngly accept Kṛṣṇa as the supreme savior of all living en  es. With
      faith and love, one should surrender unto Him.
      The  process  of  surrender  to  Kṛṣṇa  is  described  in  the  Hari-bhak -
      vilāsa (11.676):”

                ānukūlyasya saṅkalpaḥ / prā kūlyasya varjanam
                  rakṣiṣya   viśvāso / goptṛtve varaṇaṁ tathā
                 ātma‐nikṣepa‐kārpaṇye / ṣaḍ‐vidhā śaraṇāga ḥ

      “According to the devo onal process, one should simply accept such re-
      ligious  principles  that  will  lead  ul mately  to  the  devo onal  service  of
      the Lord. One may perform a par cular occupa onal duty according to

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