Page 18 - Anandamela 2019
P. 18
4-Air Fresheners. Toxins found in air fresheners can accumulate in the body
over the me. According to the Natural Resources Defense Council those tox-
ins may affect hormones and reproduc ve health especially in children.
5-Oven Cleaner. Many of these cleaners contain corrosive alkalis, which can
have grave effects on your gastrointes nal track and respiratory system if
inhaled or ingested.
6. Furniture Polish and Stain. Non-vegetable, oil-based stains and polishes are
not only extremely flammable but contain the chemicals phenol and nitro-
benzene, which can be absorbed by your skin and can cause skin cancer.
7. Toilet Bowl Cleaner. The corrosive ingredients that make acidic toilet bowl
cleaners clean so well are the same ingredients that can cause burns on skin
and eyes.
8. Gas Space Heaters. Gas powered anything releases toxins and using them
indoors is extremely dangerous and can lead to Carbon Monoxide poison-
ing —a condi on that presents very li le warning symptoms.
9. Cleaning Solu ons. As the biggest offenders on the list, and the most com-
monly used, it's no secret household cleaners contains hazardous toxins.
What's most concerning is it's not required for cleaners to list their ingredi-
ents on the bo le, leaving consumers in the dark. Even those claiming to be
"green" or "natural."
10. An bacterial Soaps. An bacterial soaps contain the ingredients the
triclosoan and triclorcarbon. According to the FDA, it can be linked to crea ng
an bio c-resistant bacteria and is not biodegradable.
11. Flaking Paint. Homes built as recently as the late 70s can have interiors
covered in lead-based paints—hazardous when the paint starts to flake and
when it's me to repaint. Inhaling these par cles can lead to lead poisoning.
12.Asbestos Asbestos fibers are strong, heat resistant, chemical resistant,
and useful in providing heat insula on. Therefore, their most common uses
include floor and ceiling les, plasters, insula ons, adhesives, wallboard,
roofing materials, fireproofing materials, and cement products. Asbestos is a
known carcinogen, and inhala on of asbestos fibers is known to cause respir-
atory problems and lung diseases such as Asbestosis, Mesothelioma, or Lung