Page 16 - Anandamela 2019
P. 16

but the energizing effect of the blood happens when it comes in contact in
      the heart with the individual jiva soul of the living en ty and the Supersoul,
      Lord Krishna. This explains why modern scien sts have not been able to pro-
      duce real blood in a laboratory. They have made a synthe c blood that can
      only  mimic  one  func on  of  blood  which  is  carry  oxygen.  Un l  they  under-
      stand the func oning of the soul and Supersoul in the body, they will remain
      bewildered in their material scien fic a empts to mimic God.

      The following is a quote “Prac ce of Brahmacharya,”  a celebrate student, by
      Swami Sivananda Saraswa :
      “Semen is the quintessence of food or blood. One drop of semen in manufac-
      tured out of forty drops of blood according to modern medical science. Ac-
      cording to Ayurveda, it is elaborated out of eighty drops of blood. The two
      testes or seeds that are located in the scrotal bag are called secretory glands.
      The cells of these testes have been endowed with the peculiar property of
      secre ng semen from the blood. Just as bees collect honey in the honeycomb
      drop by drop, so also, the cells of the testes collect semen drop by drop from
      the blood. Then this fluid is taken by the two ducts or tubes to the vesiculae
      seminalis. Under excitement, it is thrown out by special ducts, called ejacula-
      tory  ducts,  into  the  urethra  (tube  from  the  bladder  extending  through  the
      en re penis) where it is mixed with the prosta c juice.

      Semen is found in a subtle state in all the cells of the body. Just as sugar is all-
      pervading in the sugar-cane, bu er in milk, so also, semen is pervading the
      whole body. Just as the bu er milk is thin a er the bu er is removed, so also,
      semen is thinned by its wastage. The more the wastage of semen the more is
      the weakness. In the yoga shastras it is said:

      Maranam Bindu Patanat,

      Jivanam Bindu Rakshanat.
      Falling of semen brings death; preserva on of semen gives life. Semen is the
      real vitality  in  men.  It is  the  hidden treasure  in  man.  It imparts  Brahma
      tejas (glow) to the face and strength to the intellect.”

      Step # 3 ‐ Removing all toxic things from Home

      O o Heinrich Warburg was a German physiologist, medical doctor, and Nobel

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