Page 17 - Anandamela 2019
P. 17
laureate. He received the Nobel Prize in Physiology (Medicine) in 1931 for his
discovery of the nature and mode of ac on of the respiratory en-
zyme. Cellular respira on is an oxida ve process helped by enzymes by which
cells convert glucose, the most basic sugar produced by human diges on, to
carbon dioxide, water and adenosine triphosphate, or ATP which nourishes
the cells.
Warburg hypothesized that cancer growth is caused by tumor cells gener-
a ng energy such as adenosine triphosphate mainly by anaerobic (oxygen
free) breakdown of glucose (known as fermenta on, or anaerobic respira-
on). The cancer cells are not subject to being killed off at intervals like regu-
lar healthy cells. Their resistance to being killed and their ability to get energy
by fermenta on makes them grow very fast and eventually cause death
by malnutri on and organ degenera on of a person.
The ques on may be asked what degenerates or mutates healthy cells into
cancer cells? Warburg’s answer was human beings are exposed to toxic mate-
rials such as carcinogens through radia on, chemicals and diet.
Modern scien sts have focused more on hereditary gene c muta on passed
on from one genera on to another. Thus most of the research and enormous
money for it was wasted in the last fi y years trying to prove that hereditary
mutated genes are the cause of cancer and the cure is to either destroy or
change the DNA of the cells.
The following is a long list of poten ally dangerous carcinogenic substances
that people are exposed to everyday in modern society.
1. Non-S ck Cookware. Polytetrafluoroethylene, the coa ng that makes
products "non-s ck" releases gases when heated, all of which have been
linked to pu ng humans at higher risk for cancer and other harmful health
2. Flea and Tick Products. Pet's flea and ck products may save your pooch
from unwanted bites but due to pes cides it can lead to nerve damage and
3. Mothballs. Naphthalene, found in mothballs and products alike, can de-
stroy red blood cells and has been proven to cause cancer in animals.