Page 22 - Anandamela 2019
P. 22


      Benzene can form at very low levels (ppb level) in some beverages that con-
      tain both benzoate salts and ascorbic acid (vitamin C) or erythorbic acid (a
      closely related substance (isomer) also known as d-ascorbic acid). Exposure
      to heat and light can s mulate the forma on of benzene in some beverages
      that contain benzoate salts and ascorbic acid (vitamin C).

      It seems there is a constant struggle to find foods without addi ves and pre-
      serva ves. Many have been around for a very long  me, while others surface
      as new or  simply use another name  for  a  common addi ve  or preserva-
       ve. There are numerous reasons why food addi ves and preserva ves are
      used. One reason is that they can help maintain and improve freshness by
      slowing product spoilage caused by mold, air, bacteria, fungi or yeast while
      helping reduce the risk of contamina on. In some cases, addi ves and pre-
      serva ves  may  help  improve  or  maintain  nutri onal  benefits.  Addi onally,
      they may be used to improve taste, texture and appearance. For example,
      emulsifiers, stabilizers and thickeners give foods the texture and consistency
      consumers  expect  to  find  when  enjoying  certain  products.  Some  leavening
      agents help baked goods rise, another expected a ribute, while many addi-
       ves affect the acidity and alkalinity of certain foods. Commonly, addi ves
      and preserva ves are used to provide a delicious taste while reducing the fat

      How do you know what's good and what isn't? One of the best ways to avoid
      addi ves and preserva ves is by ea ng organic foods in their original state.
      Choosing an organic apple over an apple pie is a good example. Regardless, it
      takes some  me to understand which foods are being affected by addi ves
      and preserva ves, and a commitment to reading labels.

      Ul mately, understanding addi ves and preserva ves is important because it
      can affect your health. O en addi ves and preserva ves are disguised on the
      labels. Marke ng tac cs can also play a role in how they represent these po-
      ten ally harmful ingredients. Here is a list of the most common addi ves and
      preserva ves, and what you should know about them.

      Ar ficial Food Colors

      A key word here is ar ficial and should give you a good indica on that some-
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