Page 23 - Anandamela 2019
P. 23

thing  unnatural  is  in  the  product.  Typically,  ar ficial  colors  are  chemical-
      based  dyes  that  are  used  to  color  food  and  drinks.  Most  processed  foods,
      candies, beverages and many condiments contain ar ficial coloring. There is
      great concern that ar ficial food coloring may cause increased hyperac vity
      in children.

      1. Yellow No. 5 may cause severe asthma symptoms.

      2. Studies have shown that Red Dye No. 2 may cause cancer.

      3. Blue #1 and Blue #2 (E133) Banned in Norway, Finland, and France. May
      cause      chromosomal damage. Found in candy, cereal, so  drinks, sports
      drinks and pet foods.

      4. Red Dye # 3 (also Red #40 – a more current dye) (E124). Banned in 1990
      a er 8 years of debate from use in many foods and cosme cs. This dye con-
       nues to be on the market un l supplies run out! Has been proven to cause
      thyroid  cancer  and  chromosomal  damage  in  laboratory  animals.    May  also
      interfere with brain-nerve transmission. Found in fruit cocktail, maraschino
      cherries, cherry pie mix, ice cream, candy, bakery products and more!
      5. Yellow #6 (E110) and Yellow Tartrazine (E102). Banned in Norway and Swe-
      den. Increases the number of kidney and adrenal gland tumors in laboratory
      animals.  May cause chromosomal damage. Found in American cheese, mac-
      aroni and cheese, candy, carbonated beverages, lemonade and more!

      6. Natural Green Colour

      Has several ingredients including curcumin extracted via petroleum products
      and propylene glycol found in lollies and drinks.
      Regardless, the FDA approves many food coloring addi ves as safe.

      Commonly labeled as ar ficial colorings. Alterna ve names: Food, Drug and
      Cosme c  Colors,  Synthe c  Colors,  FD&C  Lakes,  Food  Dyes,  Food  Coloring,
      Ar ficial  Colorants.To  find  out  more  about  alterna ve  names  for  common
      ar fical ingredients click here and here.


      7. High Fructose Corn Syrup. High fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is made from
      corn starch and offers a sweet flavor. It is popular because it is cheaper to
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