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P. 16
ons, one can sa sfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead. (SB 7.11.8-
Bhak vedanta Swami Prabhupada writes:
In order that human beings be dis nct from the animals, the great
saint Nārada recommends that every human being be educated in
terms of the above-men oned thirty qualifica ons. Nowadays there is
propaganda everywhere, all over the world, for a secular state, a state
interested only in mundane ac vi es. But if the ci zens of the state
are not educated in the above-men oned good quali es, how can
there be happiness? For example, if the total populace is untruthful,
how can the state be happy? Therefore, without considera on of one's
belonging to a sectarian religion, whether Hindu, Muslim, Chris an,
Buddhist or any other sect, everyone should be taught to become
truthful. Similarly, everyone should be taught to be merciful, and eve-
ryone should observe fas ng on certain days of the month. Everyone
should bathe twice a day, cleanse his teeth and body externally, and
cleanse his mind internally by remembering the holy name of the Lord.
The Lord is one, whether one is Hindu, Muslim or Chris an. Therefore,
one should chant the holy name of the Lord, regardless of differences
in linguis c pronuncia on. Also, everyone should be taught to be very
careful not to discharge semen unnecessarily. This is very important
for all human beings. If semen is not discharged unnecessarily, one be-
comes extremely strong in memory, determina on, ac vity and the
vitality of one's bodily energy bodily energy (is enhanced). Everyone
should also be taught to be simple in thought and feeling and sa sfied
in body and mind. These are the general qualifica ons of a human be-
ing. There is no ques on of a secular state or an ecclesias cal state.
Unless one is educated in the above-men oned thirty quali es, there
cannot be any peace.
Urdhva-retah in Sanskrit means one who can control sex life. A
man who can retain semen and women who retain cervical fluids by
limi ng sexual ac vity to only bege ng children can accumulate these
potent fluids to enrich the brain. Instead of was ng these fluids by
lusty sexual indulgence, it is possible to raise them to nourish the brain
and enhance mental acuity, memory and dura on of life. One trained
from childhood in celibacy (using sex only for procrea on), can reach